Best practices for Instagram content

5 Best Practices for Instagram Content

With tens of millions of active users, Instagram is a marketing tool you can’t overlook. It’s not just another social network. It’s the best place to go beyond text and introduce your brand visually to your audience. It’s a more personal and interactive way to engage with customers.

Gaining followers requires more than just posting pretty pictures though. Make sure you’re posting only the best content while optimizing marketing strategy and using relevant calls to action.

1. Focus On Quality

Blurry or fuzzy images aren’t a good representation of your brand. The top brands have one thing in common – their images always look stunning. Utilize Instagram’s editing tools or outside photo editing apps or software to clean up images. You can also use a DSLR camera to make your images sharper.

2. Keep It Personal

Some of the most popular brands on Instagram don’t focus on blatant product marketing. For instance, The Ellen Show posts more candid shots of things that go on backstage. Using images your audience can relate to versus just images of your products makes your brand seem more personal and relatable.

3. Turn Them Into A Story

Thinking of what to post is one of the hardest parts of using Instagram. Keep it simple by turning your images into a story. For instance, if your launching a new product, post fun shots from the initial planning meeting, demos in action, the first official product coming off the assembly line and your team posing around the first product display.

Pictures are worth a 1,000 words. Create a novel by sharing your story through Instagram.

4. Have Personality

Uploading bland pictures of products against a white backdrop or people posing uncomfortably with your products isn’t going to help build followers. Is your brand fun? Post pictures of your staff playing around or people using your product at a popular event. The more personality your pictures have, the easier they are to relate to.

5. Use Hashtags

Skipping hashtags is like trying to yell in a crowd of millions. If you want your pictures seen, you have to use relevant hashtags. Participate in trending hashtags whenever possible for more exposure or create your own event specific ones to boost brand awareness. Make sure to use hashtags that aren’t overly broad (#naturalmakeup vs #makeup for example). You can use up to 30 hashtags in the first comment after posting your image. You can use up to 10 hashtags in Instagram stories.

The most important thing to remember on Instagram is to have fun and interact with your followers. Do this and it’ll be well worth your time. Looking for help with your Instagram strategy? Contact Top Tier Media for help!

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